Alur King calls for more support towards girl child education

The King of Alur Kingdom His Majesty Ubimu Philip Rauni Ularker III has urged his subjects to give all the needed support for the girl child such that they attain relevant qualifications in schools. #WhisperEyeNews

The King Made the appeal whilst addressing his subjects during the finals of the second edition of Alur Kingdom’s locally organised Women’s football tournament, loosely translated as “Kopu Paa Min Ubimu”, at Bar Okoro Stadium in Paidha Town Council Zombo District.

This year, the tournament was played on the theme ” promoting education and retention of girls in schools according to the King can be achieved through combined effort.

He also commended other development partners for extending the much-needed support towards all the Kingdom’s related activities.

” Our theme for the tournament is retaining the girl child in school. Let’s ensure our girls study to attain better qualifications” He noted.

Girls football team line up for a showdown organised by Alur Kingdom at Bar Okoro Stadium in Zombo on September 30, 3023.

Between 2019 and 2021 during the covid _19 period, The kingdom recorded over 10,000 cases of teenage pregnancies and early marriage according to reports.

The queen mother who is the chief convener was represented by the Zombo Deputy Resident District Commissioner Grace Atim, who equally passed a message of retention of girls in school adding that it’s everyone’s responsibility to ensure that the girl child is given the much-needed education support.

It is worth noting that many children especially girls drop out of school at an early stage in the area. The standard has further learnt that most of the Kingdom activities this time around ride on education themes to champion girl child education.

The Woman Member of Parliament for Zombo also the commissioner of Parliament Esther Afoyochan has pledged more support for girl child education noting that  She has taken up 15 girls in the district that she is supporting in various schools in a bid to boost girl child education.

The Participants who were all awarded different prizes came from the kingdom’s four counties of Okoro, Padyere, Jonam and DR Congo. The County of Okoro outclassed the DR Congo region in a penalty shoot-out to clinch the first position. DR Congo emerged as runner-up whilst the third-place playoff saw Jonam County thumping the defending champion Padyere County to take 3rd position.