Thousands gather to receive blessings from Owobusobozi Bisaka at M7’s birthday in Kololo

Kololo independence grounds were today the 8th September 2023 earthquake as Omukama Ruhaga Owobusobozi Bisaka believers and none believers gathered to receive Blessings from him as he departed from president Museveni’s 79th birthday celebrations and honour of the Katonga spirits. #WhisperEyeNews

The Omukama Ruhaga Owobusobozi Bisaka took almost one hour and half blessing and praying for thousands mostly none believers who yarned for blessings from him not sparing the men in uniform from the Special Forces Command (S.F.C ) who also joined the many to receive a special prayer.

When He was blessing people, the Omukama Ruhaga Owobusobozi was also giving the lucky ones the Omukama Ruhaga book known as The book of God of the age of oneness we are one in the Lord God of Hosts disunity has ended in English and in Luganda Ekitabo ekya Katonda ekyomulembe ogwobumu tuli bamu mu mukama Katonda owamagye gonna Okwahukana kuweddewo which is used by the Faith of Unity in Teaching Unity.

For starters Omukama Ruhaga Owobusobozi Bisaka is the founder of the faith of Unity a Faith found in Uganda, Kadagi District , Muhororo Town Kapyemi and it has been in existence for the last forty four years with a total number of about twenty million believers around the world and they pray three days in a month that is 2rd , 12th , and 22 of every month ,and they use the other remaining 27 or 28 days to work and it’s the reason why it’s regarded as the most richest faith in the world.