Road to 2021: Cissy Mulondo a businesswoman to contest for Luweero Woman MP seat

Road to 2021: Cissy Mulondo a businesswoman to contest for Luweero Woman MP seat. Whisper Eye Reports.

Luwero renown Business Woman Cissy Mulondo has joined Luweero district Woman MP race 2021.

Whisper Eye has been reliably informed that Ms Mulondo has decided to join elective politics with an interest to serve her people in Luweero.

Reports indicate that she is mobilising National Resistance Movement (NRM) leaders in preparations for the party primaries.

Ms Mulondo has constructed a number of Bore holes in the district, as well as organising Sports tournaments to earn more popularity.

She is facing serious competition within the NRM party, mainly from the incumbent MP Eng Nakate Lillian, and former MP Hon Rebecca Nalwanga.

Ms Cissy Mulondo with the youth of Kikyusa sub-county

Ms Mulondo Cissy was born in 1968 at Wobusaana village in Bamunanika, Luwero.

She studied primary level at Buzibwera Primary School, then went to Kololo High School, and later went to Cambridge University, and Makerere university for Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration.

She also has masters in Public Administration.

She is a business lady, and agriculturalist engaging in Banana, and Coffee growing.