Story Condition: A condition of difficulty in passing stool or hard poo

Normally food is mixed with water but
nearly 90% of this is absorbed.
When stool enters the Colon, water is
absorbed faster. Stool passes through the
ascending Colon pass through the
transverse Colon and become hard as it
continues to descending Colon into the
sigmoid Colon.

The stool is propelled along the Colon by
peristaltic movements, in the Colon a
unique type of peristalsis called mass
movements slow one but powerful 3-4
times a day in the Colon, think about these
movements as join weights forcing
themselves in a Colon (stool)

Hastroul contractions push the large

dehydrated stool into the rectum.sometimes
this can be so slow . This is called Slow
transit constipation.
This means the slower,the more water is
absorbed and more the stool is drier.
Symptoms are, puberty or at any age,
weeks of no bowel motion.

In the rectum, the stool feels it, the walls
stretch and pressure increases. However
the anal sphincter controls.
Internal- listens to the brain
External- voluntary control.

Chronic constipation can lead to
Dyssynergic constipation [in coordinated
bowel movements]
Functional Constipation . Bowels can’t
function healthy because of the poor
connection between the brain and gut.

Risk factors include , Diet, stress and

physical inactivity.

Decrease in water content by 20% increase
the thickness of stool. This will increase the
risk of pushing it.

Dietary fiber can soften hard stool by
holding on water. This also increases the
Colon transit time; the time needed to pass
through the Colon and out as a waste.
Constipation is higher in elderly due to
lack.of fiber diet, physical inactivity,
medications, dehydration.
Options increase constipation and its risks.

Secondary causes.
Neurological conditions like parkinsonism.
low Thyroid levels, high calcium levels,
Pregnancy and before menstrual period

( due to hormone progesterone)

Constipation is more common in Women
compared to men.

Story by Kamara Daniel