“SITYA DANGER!!” Gen Museveni responds to World Bank following sanctions over anti gay law

The World Bank earlier this week imposed sanctions on Uganda vowing not to extend any more financial help to the East African nation sighting the passing of the Anti gay law which according to them is a form of discrimination of people and violation of human rights.

Even when many were shocked and worried about what next, the Commander of the National Resistance Army Gen Yoweri Kaguta Museveni was not moved. In a letter to the people of Uganda, Gen Museveni said he received a call from an official from the world bank informing him that no more loan requests will be processed from Uganda.

The four star General said Uganda will develop with or without the loans adding that infact many of the loans in the past had been carelessly entered into by officials behind his back but such loans didn’t have any significant addition to the economy.

He added that if corruption is well defeated, Uganda’s economy will continue to grow even without the choking conditional loans from the West through the world bank.