President Museveni safely lands in Russia ahead of Russia – Africa summit

President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has safely landed in Russia’s second-largest city St Petersburg ahead of the Russia – Africa Summit.

He said, ” I am glad to be in St. Petersburg, Russia and looking forward to having fruitful engagements at the Russia- Africa summit, especially in areas of cooperation that are beneficial for both Russia & Africa.”

The president has been accompanied by the first son Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba @mkainerugaba his special advisor on Operations.

This was evident with the photos he shared on his Twitter at the arrival.

Before his departure president Museveni, said ” I have left for St. Petersburg in Russia to attend the Russia – Africa summit (The Economic and Humanitarian Forum).”

I look forward to strengthening our cooperation in the areas of defense, education, fostering the pathogenic economy, trade & investment, and energy, among others areas, he added.

Russia – Ukraine war will also be among the issues that will be discussed between African leaders and Russian authorities.