By Mike Rwothomio
A total of 45 youth groups from 14 sub_counties in the Zombo district have received about UGX 315 million under youth livelihood programs.
The Youth Livelihood Programme (YLP) is a Government of Uganda financed programme designed as one of the interventions of the Government in response to the high unemployment rate and poverty among the youth that forms over 70% of the country’s population.
For nearly three years, the program that was on halt has been revived according to the Youth chairperson of Zombo district Amos Jacan, who has been engaging youth through various trainings on how to better manage the resources at their disposal.
Jacan who affirmed news about the funds advised youth groups that have benefited to manage the funds appropriately. He said the funds were disbursed based on the population of each sub_counties and town council.
” We received about Ugx 315 million Ugandan shillings, but before receiving the money, we engaged our youth through extensive training to ensure the funds are utilized effectively,” Jacan said.
The YLP Support can be accessed by Youth Groups that should express interest, pass the beneficiary selection criteria and generate viable projects that are approved by the District Technical Planning Committee.
The male district youth Councillor for Zombo Derick Rwothungeyu Ocweda urged the youth to capitalize on the” life-changing resources” which is at their disposal now.
According to Ocweda, the funds were halted for nearly three years. He said the guidelines is that a group shouldn’t have more than five people for easy management.
” The government is now helping us, YLP is now back after three years since it was halted. The government thought it wise that the youth have to be guided and supported financially “, Ocweda said.
Cabinet and Parliament approved a budget of UShs265 Billion (Approx. US$. 100 million) for the first 5 years of implementation from 2013-14 to 2017-18 under the Ministry of Labour, gender and social development.
Under the Labour Ministry’s arrangements, YLP is mainstreamed into Government structures at the National and Local Government level which are responsible for mobilization & sensitization, beneficiary selection, facilitating projects preparation, appraisal and approval of projects, monitoring and Beneficiaries selection is conducted through community participatory mechanisms at the community level.
The Ministry of Labour provides the technical guidelines and supports capacity building, financing, and overall coordination.
Nonetheless, whisper eye news understands that out of the 15 subs counties in Zombo, only the Abanga sub-county missed out on the funds.
When contacted the youth chairperson of Abanga Sub-county Bairon Onim, blamed it on the communication gap.
“We have not received funds because no one communicated about it to us. Our leaders put us in the dark and I blame it on acting staff” Onim claimed
However, the LC3 chairperson of Abanga Sub_County Richard Awekunimungu who assumed leadership in 2021, Said he has thinly sliced information about Youth Livelihood programs.
A one Arafat, The chairperson of one of the groups from Alengukuma cell, central ward Paidha town council confirmed receiving a total of Ugx 11 million which they are planning to invest in the stationery business.
Launched in 2014, The Programme targets unemployed and poor youth aged 18-30 years, in different categories.
Investment Options include Dairy production, high-value crops, poultry/egg production, piggery, aquaculture, animal traction, agro-forestry, post-harvest handling, value addition, trade, and service sector projects, amongst others.