Two suspected thieves beaten to pulp over theft of goats

By Mike Rwothomio

The highly charged Mob from Adjumani district in the morning of the 9th July 2023, pounced on two suspects they accused of stealing four goats from a community member.

The two were identified by the Territorial Police of Zika as Kanyangkole and Emma Flatten both Wanyarwanda by tribe.

Police say community members arrested them as they tried looking for market for the stolen goats without an introduction letter from the area LC1 chairperson.

The situation was shortly rescued by the Police of Zika in Adjumani District.

” It was alleged that on the 09th July 2023 at around 0930hrs, A1 Kanyangkole, A2 Emma Flatten both of them are wanyarwanda by tribe R/ o Zoka village Zoka parish Itirikwa sub county Adjumani district stole four goats which belong to one of the community members, on their way trying to look for the market within the area without the introduction letter from LC1 of the area, which attracted the attention of the public and the two suspects were arrested by the members of the public and the mob came in, the two were beaten to coma both of them were rescued by the police of Zoka.”
The statement from Northwest Nile region acting police spokesperson Ignatius Dragudu reads in part.

The two are currently receiving treatment at  Mungula Health Centre IV.

Police say after recovery,  the two suspects will be brought back to the Police to answer the charges of theft.

Uganda Police report of 2022 indicates that  953 cases of mob action were recorded across the country. There was an uptick in the cases as compared to the reported cases in 2021 that were 759.