Big Story: DP leader knocked dead by a speeding reckless car, Buwama police releases driver amidst protest from mourners

Big Story: DP leader knocked dead by a speeding reckless car, Buwama police releases driver amidst protest from mourners.Whisper Eye Reports

Democratic Party (DP) Buwama Sub County Publicity Kironde Joseph (52) knocked dead by speeding reckless driver.

The accident occurred at 4:30PM on Saturday at Mbizzinya village in Buwama town council along Kampala Masaka High Way.

Private car number number UAM 745J White in color Mark X, knocked Mr Kironde who was on a motorcycle.

The deceased was heading to Kumbya village from Buwama, while the driver of the car was heading to Kampala on a terrible speed to avoid Covid-19 pandemic 7:00PM curfew.

Suspect released by Buwama Police.

The driver of the private car has been released by police.

Kironde family members have told Whisper Eye that immediately after burial at 11:00AM, they went to Buwama police to follow up the case.

The family members of the deceased cry out for Justice

On their surprise, the driver whose names have been not released by the police was released.

Namyalo Rest, one of Kironde’s widow said they demand justice as the deceased left many young children who still need much care.

A reliable source at Buwama Police station has told us that the missing driver has big police officers who have influenced the police station thus blocking justice to take its course.

Late Kironde left widows including; Namyalo Resty, Nakamya Grace, Namawejje Prossy, Nagaddya Christine surviving with 22 orphans.

Buwama oc station was yet to respond to our calls.