Zombo approves the establishment of  Kyambogo University study center

By Mike Rwothomio

Zombo district local government has given a leeway to Kyambogo University to establish their study center at Paidha primary teachers college situated in Paidha town council. #WhisperEyeNews

Initially, there were choruses of mixed views from the greater Nebbi community,  after a  section of cultural and religious leaders in greater Nebbi had rejected the plan by Kyambogo University to establish their study center at the facility in a second consultative meeting that brought together some stakeholders, politicians, religious leaders and officials from the ministry of education and sports.

In what seems to be the final nail in the coffin, the Zombo district council sitting on the 31st of last month unanimously agreed to hand over the facility to Kyambogo University so that they can establish their study center momentarily.

The national teacher policy 2019 recommends the operationalization of only core primary teachers colleges leaving colleges like Paidha and 22 others with no option but to close automatically across the country.

Under the national teacher policy 2019, the government has provided a framework to guide the professionalization of the teaching profession and to streamline the interventions aimed at standardizing teacher-related issues of all education levels.

The minimum qualification for all teachers in Uganda regardless of the level of education they teach, shall be Bachelor’s Degree in Education or A Bachelor’s Degree with post_ graduate qualification in education.

After moving the motion of the handover of Paidha primary teachers college to Kyambogo University that was swiftly seconded by the whole house, The Zombo district LC5 chairperson James Oruna Oyullu told the Whisper Eye News, that the decision was well researched by the district executive.

Oyullu added that the facility is spacious enough to accommodate a university.

” Today in a council meeting on 31st of May, I Oyullu Oruna James, in our executive committee, we resolved that the PTC Paidha be handed over to Kyambogo University following the new government policy.  As leaders of Zombo, we have noticed with concern that such a facility cannot be rendered redundant. I’m happy that it was approved by the council” Oyullu noted

Paidha primary teachers college was established in 1982 as a government-founded college in a church of Uganda primary school building in Mvungu upper primary school in the then Nebbi district. In 1989, Land was allocated for the college where it’s currently sitting on 80.9 hectares in  Dwonga Ward Paidha town council. However, the facility has also been grappling with the challenge of land encroachment which the board recently said has been resolved.

Lately , the enrollment at the college had dwindled from 468 to 86 from 2010 to 2022.

What community say about the council move

Sadiki Onencan, the district councilor of Paidha town council has expressed happiness about the district move adding that it will come with lots of added advantages.

” When demanding for something, don’t go for something small, go for something big.I highly appreciate this decision by the council to welcome Kyambogo” Onencan stressed.

Willy Ocaya, The district child labour project focal person under Uganda national teachers union (UNATU), has welcomed the decision by the district with utmost joy noting that, it’s more futuristic.

“I would like to thank the entire district council for having unanimously passed the resolution that will brighten the future of Alur people by allowing the mighty university (Kyambogo University) to be established in Paidha. I’m extremely happy with the conscious decision.” Ocaya noted 

Earlier, The  District Education officer of Zombo  Nickolas Odeba noted that the Alur subregion has many teachers  and establishment of Kyambogo University study center could bring in options for students than A core primary teachers college.

In 2021 When Kyambogo University’s vice chancellor Professor Elly Katunguka visited Zombo district For a student graduation party at Mvungu upper primary school playground in Paidha town council,  He was requested by the Retired Archbishop of the church of Uganda Dr . Henry Luke Orombi to establish the university branch at the college.

” Please Mr. Katunguka, take over this college, you will have many students from greater west Nile and even D.R.Congo,” Orombi Said amidst applause from members of the Public.

The assistant commissioner of teacher education in the Ministry of Education and Sports Max Okiror recently during the meeting with stakeholders at Paidha Primary teachers college recently revealed that l,  Kyambogo University had earlier approached the ministry about their proposed plan for the college takeover.

Okiror notes that official communication about Paidha primary teachers college will be published by the Ministry of Education and Sports.

The Zombo council resolution is to be forwarded to the Ministry of Education and Sports summarily.

The Bishop of Nebbi Anglican Diocese Rt Rev Pons Ozelle Awinjo, who with the Prime minister of Alur Kingdom Opar Lawrence Angala had initially proposed that Paidha primary teachers college be retained for affirmative action, has welcomed the Zombo district council resolution on a local radio station.

He added that the decision should be handled peacefully without being politicized, before appealing to the government to consider core Primary teachers’ college establishment in the region as well.

There has been no formal communication from the Ministry of Education and Sports and Kyambogo University about the Paidha Primary teachers college takeover.

However,  the public relations officer of Kyambogo University Ms Sibbo Jennifer has been contacted for a comment.

The Greater Nebbi subregion that comprises the Districts of Pakwach, Nebbi, and Zombo has only three notable institutions that include the soon-to-be-phased Paidha primary teachers college, Ora technical institute War and Uganda College of Commerce Pakwach.

The coming of Kyambogo University in greater Nebbi is being viewed by many people as history in the making since the region had no university institution.