
Open letter to Kenyans; Let’s wake up

Dear my brothers and sisters of Kenya.

Martin Luther King Jr.  Once said “unless we unite together as brothers,  we shall die together as fools.” Kenyans, we must unite now together as Kenyans.  Kenyans are on the streets,  being killed and tortured by fellow Kenyans,  this not only flabbergasting but absurd.

I saw some people in government thinking that their enemy is Hon.Raila Odinga and his Azimio team as choreographed by foreigners. Nay, the enemies of Kenya are those necolonialists.

You said Hon. Raila is selfish because he loves handshake.  But did we assume ourselves why he has been doing handshakes? If I were a Kenyan, I would pray and thank Hon. Raila [Baba] for fighting and loving Kenya. 

All the shenanigans of cheating him of election victories each time he runs for president and being forced to let go by the neo-colonialists is unfortunate. They are simply afraid that he would not dance to their tunes.

This is a man who spent 9 years in jail for Kenyans. To me, like the Mau Mau warriors who liberated Kenya in one way or the other, I would award him a trophy of a national hero.

Why Raila has become a handshake person? In 2007, he ran for an election held on the 27th of December. This election was headed by Hon. Samuel Kivuitu. They alledgely and openly stole his election victory.  Remember the chairman Electoral Commission then said “ I don’t know who won.” He alleged that some people manufactured votes.

After that blatant theft, we saw post elections violence. More than 1100 Kenyans died. The 1100 were the official figures, but I believe that more than the official number died. Over 600.000 were estimated to have been displaced.

Hon.Raila [Baba], seeing that Kenyans were dying,  he forfeited his victory,  went for a coalition government with President Mwai Kibaki [RIP]. Now, he is selfish and greedy because he accepted his handshake according to the UDA government.

But we must give credit where it’s due. If he insisted on justice,  he would have forfeited his love for Kenya.  Raila is a true [ Baba]. He loves his kids. Imagine when he got a chance to talk to the government,  immediately he requested that those Kenyans arrested during demonstration to be released and those hospitalized to be treated and their medical bills taken care of by the government.

Again, on 8/8/2017, elections were held.  The main contestants were Hon. Raila Odinga and Hon. Uhuru Kenyatta. His victory was messed up according to Chief Justice,  David Maraga, and four other Supreme Court judges out of six uninanimously agreed that the election was bad.

They concluded that the election was short of the constitutional process and ordered for a fresh election, but Raila rejected to go the same election headed by Hon. Wafula Chebukati then as chairman IEB, who was accused by the court of mismanagement of the election. 

Something was fishy.  Remember,  the I.T guru, Chris Musando [ RIP]. After announcing on a national TV that they improvised information technology that would prevent any election from being tampered with in the same year,  he was killed immediately.

Everybody went quiet.  The investigation and report of his death must be part of electoral justice.  The murder of Masundo is an indication that we must have election reforms now to avert the time of the bomb that the country is seated on.

Again, in 2022, his victory was allegedly stolen.  He went to the Supreme Court.  The Supreme Court ordered for the servers to be opened, but unfortunately, SMARTMATIC , a company hired to conduct election with their I.T systems, rejected opening on grounds of copyright.

The moral questions are, how can the court make a judgment even when Kenyans did not know who won the election after the servers were not opened? How can Kenyans rely on what they can not revisit?

Now Hon.Raila is asking for servers to be opened, and many, especially the international community, are adamant.  They know what they did. Soon, the servers will be opened after they ares wasted or tampered with.  It will show that Hon. Raila lost. How can you lose only when two regions didn’t give you enough votes having painted Kenya map blue?

The same court showed biasness when they ridiculed AZIMIO’s petition headed by Hon. Raila Odinga as “hot air”  and later publicly said that God intervened. How can an arbiter act that way unless they were under the influence of an invisible hand. Kenyans,  wake up! UDA government denies Kenya’s enemies. I trust President Ruto , he is a patriot.

Though Raila’s Azimio accepted the court verdict to avoid the 2007 like post elections violence,  they detested the verdict.

For any Kenyan to think Raila is stupid and wants Handshake must be ashamed. They must realize that there’s an invisible hand at work with the intent to recolonize the country.

I don’t want to see what happened in Rwanda happening in Kenya.  Rwandese lived for centuries as brothers and sisters. They were united but later died together as fools because they didn’t wake up. Hutu and Tutsi would marry each other,  but the divide and rule policies of colonialism brought in conflict.

This conflict escalated to genocide of the 1994 after the Rwandan president,  Juvenile Habyariman, was killed. We saw Rwandese die as the international community stood and watched. More than 2 million Rwandese died.

Kenyans,  wake up from the slumber before it turns into a nightmare. Open your eyes before it’s too late.  Imagine if Hon. Raila Odinga was murdered in the scarfle that saw his car hit ten times by bullets in one of the Manaaamanos [ demonstrations]. What would have happened?

Please, Kenyans, take advantage of the living freedom fighter Hon. Raila when he is still in leadership. To Dr. Ruto,  you are a patriot, act to avoid bloodshed. Agreing to dialogue with opposition showed your statesmanship. 

I encourage you to open the servers and make sure you have electoral reforms.  I trust the government will wipe the tears of Kenyans sleeping hungry and those failing to go to work because they can’t afford fuel. Yes, a fool knows, and the dullest mind can’t miss the point that Dr. Ruto must unite Kenya and listen to Raila.

Mwaka Lutukumoi.
Kenya’s well-wisher, a Ugandan.

Former National spokesman
democratic party in Uganda,
Scholar based in New York-USA.

Reach me @Email.

Whisper Eye

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