Mao’s Transition project “ resurrects the ghost of “ the Muhoozi project in Uganda

Mao’s @NorbertMao Transition project “ resurrects the ghost of “ the Muhoozi @mkainerugaba project in Uganda #WhisperEyeNews

Bernard Shaw, in the book, the devil’s disciple wrote;  ” It’s only at the hour of trial that a man finds his true profession. ” It’s at this time when we need a peaceful transition and at crossroads that we must find our true profession to scuttle our sinking ship.

When DP’s Hon. Norbert Mao and President Museveni, chairman of NRM signed a working agreement for a better Uganda,  the ghost of “ the Muhoozi project “ resurrected.

Uganda since its 1962 independence,   has never had a peaceful transition but war and bloodshed. There has been a spiral of violence that has polarized the country.

The “ Muhoozi project “ backed by DP Mao’s “negotiated transition project gives hope for a peaceful transition.

In 2012 when General Sejusa a.k.a Tinyefunza came with the Muhoozi project bombshell,  many received it negatively.

Even General Muhoozi himself distanced himself from it. He denied it with several media houses.  He said it doesn’t exist.

His constant promotions by President Museveni kept many guessing.  Now seemed to have blossomed with haters bamboozled.

Note, over 76-80% of Uganda’s population are youths.  Besides, the majority are Millennials.  Ages  18-25, mostly born in Museveni’s era twenty years ago after his 36 years of Presidency.

In votes,  the millennials go for “swag” not for qualities, peace, or threats of war,  tribe, religion, or status. Like  Bobi wine got lots of support because of his swag, General Muhoozi seems to have ventured into this uncharted territory.

This time the youths are likely to go for fellow youths,  those around the President let him be forewarned before shock.

Why the Muhoozi Presidency is the thing? In the past two years,  he moved around the country with  “ Swag.”

He started “MK-ARMY.” This had attracted many  Millennials.  In most homes, little kids between  5-18 years identify with the “Mk- Army.”

The debate has shifted from the “ father’s project of  “The Muhoozi project “  to a competition between him, the father, and the opposition.

 An online newsletter  on the 11- of October 2022, asked a moral question,     “ Can Museveni outpower his son Muhoozi ahead of polls in 2026?.”

I am sure some opposition whose survival depended on permanently being in opposition are enraged.

 Similarly, those old-school politicians who want president Museveni to rule for life with a “No change ” mentality are bitter. 

Remember President Museveni once said, “ I am patient with corruption but Muhoozi will fight it”. These Mabati thieves are worried.

 The opposition has always been condemning elections as fraudulent, sham, and fake yet they participate in them after every five years.

This emotional blackmail of feasting on Ugandan’s emotions must stop. This shows their hypocrisy. Muhoozi’s entrance is a blessing in disguise.

In fact, when the Muhoozi project materializes, I am sure that most opposition [ not all] will be there and always hypocritically run for the so-called sham elections simply to eat as its source of their livelihood.

In fact, during elections,  they allegedly meet NRM elections managers and plead not to be kicked out.

Who did Hon. Nambooze, Lord Mayor, or Ssemuju groom to replace them? How many decades have they occupied those offices?

Ugandans wake up from the slumber nightmare of deceit that they are fighting for you.  I hear ” Junta “, and ” we are fighting a dictator ” yet they are cracking deals at night.

 No wonder Hon. Norbert Mao called them “Kiwani politicians “ in his ” one army” war to cleanse opposition before he decided to work openly with the government for transition.

It’s important to fast-track the Muhoozi Presidency. I suggest that the office of Hon. Norbert Mao of the Ministry of Justice and constitutional affairs works in tandem with parliament to come up with enabling laws to fast-track the new Uganda project.

 In the new Uganda, we must have the office of the President, Deputy President, and Executive Prime Minister, and have a devolved government.

 I hope our opposition,  those genuine ones, civil society, and eminent Ugandans join hands and build our co-President country.

 We need a new Uganda.  The person holding the key to peace or doom is Museveni.  As Bernard Shaw opined, we will wait to see his “profession” whether he is a man of peace and a patriot or else.   Uganda is too good to go down!

Yes,  Martin Luther King Jr. once said.  “ Unless we unite together as brothers,  we shall die together as fools!”.

Mwaka Lutukumoi