” I will not respond to every barking dog” , says MP Nambooze

Mukono Municipality MP Hon Betty Nambooze Bakireke has come out say that she will not waste her time responding to every ‘dog’ that criticizes her. #WhisperEyeNews

Nambooze’s words looked to be directed to Hon Abed Bwanika who criticized her for entering into negotiations with the state that only benefit her as a person but castigating those that are aimed at helping others.

Bwanika’s idea was that since negotiations have in the past been used to by the likes of Nambooze to secure medical treatment abroad and recently Hon Allan Ssewanyana and Hon Ssegirinya to gain their freedom, the same should apply to all political prisoners who are still in the hands of the state.

Nambooze has now responded quoting Winston Churchill “You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks. “

“Awo nange muzzukulu wa Namwama e Buwama….nkikonyeemu nti bwobaba olina gy’olaaga nga wansonga, ssi buli mbwa ekkubogolera nti oyimirira n’ogiwerekereeza amayinja…bwokola bwotyo gy’olaga totuuka!” she added

Nambooze has literally denied ever going into negotiations with the state saying her medical treatment abroad is a privilege every member of parliament has not a sympathetic extension from the head of state.