Nadduli’s 10 relatives abducted by a drone released by CMI

Yesterday news broke out that 6 relatives from Al Hajji Nadduli family, NRA Luweero war veteran had been picked up by a drone at a village in Nakaseke District. #WhisperEyeNews

By yesterday afternoon Nadduli who visited the scene where his relatives were picked up confirmed that it’s true 10 of his family members had been arrested by security operatives.

It has been relieved that the family members were arrested on allegations of being behind Busika shooting incident after a revelation from one suspect who has been discovered to have a mental illness.

By Press time local media reported that UPDF mouthpiece had confirmed that all the arrested members of Nadduli family had be released without a charge.

The former Minister in the current NRM regime recently lost his Son Jakana Nadduli who was a fiercely critic of the government.