
Attention Norbert Mao: The transition crossroad – KN Bernard

In normal circumstances, where more than half of the population comprises of young people, the country ought to be a vibrant one. #WhisperEyeNews

By definition a citizen is one who owes allegiance to his or her country by virtue of the fact that he is a citizen. It is important because it decides where a person owes it.

In their wisdom, the framers of the 1995 constitution of Uganda bestowed upon all citizens a duty to do all in their power to restore the constitution after it has been suspended, overthrown and abrogated or amended contrary to the constitutional order, to promote democracy and rule of law.

With such a rapid population growth projected to be approximately 100 million by 2050, the country’s future should be secured economically, politically and in every other aspects so as to accommodate the growing population in the near future. Is this really the case? With the country’s ineptitude with governance, corruption, mismanagement of resources, a different reality stares us in the face.

It is the right time we possed the question of the transition; this comes in the honeymoon period of the NRM-DP agreement signed by president museveni on behalf of NRM and DP president general Hon. Norbert Mao which has yielded the first fruits; appointment of Hon Norbert Mao as minister of justice and constitutional affairs who has openly said his appointment is a green card for the realization of the long waited peaceful transition of power.

I could feel the emotions from all over uganda both on social media and the general populance recently during the Kenyan elections that saw Dr William Ruto assent to power.

The colorful events attended by many heads of state and diplomats saw president Kenyatta handing power to Dr William Ruto. This arose our aroma to the transition of the kind for the first time in Uganda.

Are we ready for the transition? While the would be replacement call them future leaders have resorted to drug abuse, acted as stepping Stones for politicians and others flooding Arab countries for modern day slavery.

Are we ready for the transition while the youth in Mitooma have started the campaign for endorsement of president museveni as a sole candidate in the 2026-2031 elections?

Are we ready for the transition while politicians have resorted to tribalism, promotion of hate speech on the basis of drawing a map for the future?

Are we ready for the transition while our sovereignty is at stake? Where a foreign parliament seats discussing issues that would be discussed by our own, issues of international relations, democracy and respect for human rights while our national parliament is discussing Nyegenyege festival and other non developmental issues in the cover of matters of national importance.

Quick fixes are not a solution to Ugandas problem, Rt Gen Mugisha Muntu has always said;” Ugandas problem has nothing to do with president museveni and his group, the age of our leaders because Obote and group came in power as young men and women, Gen Museveni and group came on power all in their youthful age all plundered our country.

A real route to the peaceful transition that will yield a transformation of our country requires a huge investiment in the mental liberation otherwise quick fixes will result no yields

Whisper Eye News

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