
‘Our Students Are Ready To Create Wealth And Opportunities For This Nation’: DR MUGANGA

Dr. Lawrence Muganga, (@ReachDrMuganga) the Vice-chancellor of the chartered Victoria University @VUKampala during its sixth graduation expressed confidence and high hopes that the graduates of the university passing out are to be key transformers of #Uganda in both social and economic sectors. #WhisperEyeNews

” The country owes you for the change it yarns” he added, Dr. Muganga asked the graduates to not sit on the hands-on education they’ve acquired at the university but rather implement it in the societies they reside in as they were groomed to be entrepreneurs to employ themselves and employ others as well. “The education you’ve received here at Victoria University has equipped you well, for such a task.” He said.

“At this moment in history, the world has a hunger for a resource like you: one unafraid of new challenges, one with the tenacity to surmount the insurmountable; one with the foresight to anticipate the unforeseeable; one with the flexibility to adapt the world and no to it; one with the commitment to persist no matter the task, and one who has shown us ‘the only way to go is forward’” he further added.

The vice Chancellor revealed to the audience that the decision the university took to adjust to the growing technology trends is already paying dividends and the university’s learning platform is not just the best orderly experience, it has now become the benchmark for other universities to model their learning platforms. In that regard, Dr Muganga boldly said that Victoria University graduates are already miles ahead.”We took those bold steps because you trusted us to transform your child to have age and awareness of contemporary needs.” He said.

 Dr. Muganga noted that the parents should understand that their children are without a doubt not lacking in opportunities. “All our programs taught in our faculties incorporate the Digital economy to fine-tune our students to forge out opportunities through the internet. We are moving at a level that makes our students the yardstick for domestic and global standards. Such transformations have not been forced on us, it has come through careful study of the environment to understand the needs and our openness to domestic regulation. Our investments in ICT have an eye on the ministry of Education Digital Agenda Strategy 2021-2025 to integrate ICT into teaching, learning, assessment, sports, and administration. We made an oath to uplift domestic priorities.” He further added.

The State Minister for Higher Education, Dr. JC Muyingo, has advised graduates to put into practice the hands-on skills education they’ve acquired from the university as a means of getting employment and participating in the development of the country.“There are many jobs where you can create by yourselves the innovation space is still wide for any of you to occupy, you should not be taken by people who are not as skilled to employ you” he said.

Muyingo told the 289 graduates during the Victoria University’s sixth Graduation Ceremony, held at Speke Resort Munyonyo on Saturday, September 3 that imaging technologies are gradually affecting many aspects of our lives whether we like it or not this infiltration is leading to the emergency of new job requirements, new skills and a new approach to how they perform their jobs.

He, therefore, advised that the way students are taught should start changing and embrace these emerging trends as the new data from a survey that was carried out by job survey suggests that on average, 15 % of a company’s workforce is at least of deception in the horizon up to 2025 and on average 6%of the workers are expected to be fully displaced and this implies that both individuals and the companies must seek to provide re-skilling and up-skilling opportunities for their staff,

Dr. Muyingo asked the graduates to move beyond the skills they acquire during their years of study and become entrepreneurs. He said Uganda passes out more than 400,000 graduates yet only 70,000 get formal employment.

Prof. Opuda-Asibo Chancellor of Victoria university assured stakeholders that Victoria University will retain its place at the summit as a “change-maker” as it commits to attracting top-tier staff and top-tier students. “With a conducive working and study environment enjoyed at Victoria University, a platform to succeed is inevitable,” he said.

The university recently received a Charter which cemented its International acknowledgment and all graduates’ credentials have international approval an establishment of a Doctoral College has also taken off after the acquisition of the Charter.

The university’s strategic position in national affairs has widened and its philosophy as ‘change makers’ continues to be consolidated it believes Investment in change is what it does best.

And to those aspiring to walk in your enviable shoes, we continue to challenge the learning outcomes. Dear Parents and Guardians we have introduced nine new programs to enrich the education we roll out here and some of our new arrivals include Bachelor of Science in International Oil and Gas Management, Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering, Bachelor of Pharmacy, Master of Science in Cyber Security – this speaks to your cyber safety today, Master of Science in Blockchain and Financial Technologies – 1st in East Africa, Master of Science in Health Informatics, Master of Science in Computer Science and Master of Science in Health Safety and Environment Management – 1st in Uganda, Master of Laws (Six Specializations) – Natural Resources Law, Construction and Engineering Law, Criminology, Penology, and Criminal Justice, Media, Mass Communication and Journalism, Sports and Entertainment Law & LLM General.

This year’s Graduation consisted of 289 students compared to that of last year which had 41 Graduates and of these 171 have completed their Higher Education Certificates (A new course, prepared for all students who missed the two Principal Passes at Advanced Level), 18 have attained Diplomas, 94 Bachelor’s Degrees, 3 Post-Graduate Degrees, and other 3 Masters Degrees.

David Mwanje

I believe in People Association

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