“The snow ball effect is going to be felt in the Soroti East by election ” Cpt Mukula

NRM Central Executive Committee Vice Chairperson Eastern region Capt. Mike Mukula @Mukulaa has vowed to deliver victory for his party come the 28th of July in the Soroti East By election.

Mukula who is defacto head of the Soroti East by election campaigns on the National Resistance Movement – NRM side said that their candidate Edmund Herbert Ariko is by far going to sweep Soroti East like never before because all his competitors are weak and unable to match his strength.

Mukula added that this time, the Opposition is going to feel the Tsunami just as it happened in Omoro County when the NRM candidate embrassingly defeated his opponents gunning over 90% of the total votes.

“We have launched our tsunami the snowball effect will be felt.” Mukula tweeted

The NRM desperately need to secure this victory to act as a genesis of reclaiming Soroti and the rest of the Eastern region that had become an FDC strong base in the recent times.

Nrm’s Edmund Ariko will fave a fierce resistance from Forum for Democratic Change ‘s Hon Moses Attan Okia who also has a significant number of supporters having lost his seat only recently following a court ruling.