Bebe Cool survives being shot by a drunk nonsense armed Man

News reaching Whisper Eye is that Wire Wire hit maker aka Big Size narrowly survived being shot dead by a drunk gun welding no-nonsense man. #WhisperEyeNews

A rather timid and shocked Bebe Cool narrated to our sources the ordeal.

This was after the man knocked his car around Ntinda and when he came out of the car to complain the man welded a gun and tried to shoot him.

The situation was rescued by the nearby traffic police officers who managed to disarm and take the perpetrator to the Ntinda police station.

Bebe Cool who was advised by colleagues to file a complaint at police followed in suit to Ntinda Police station only to find it cordoned off by armed men who then later was told where friends of the perpetrator.

These had rounded up and put on gun point all the police officers and told the Wire Wire hit maker to go home or face being shot on spot, a scared Big Size drove away so as to save his life.

A lot has been unfolding this week in the music industry first the purported kidnap of Dr Jose Chameleon and now this incident where Munene Munene was almost being shot at.

Whisper Eye has talked to one of Uganda’s top music exports in South Africa Namakaka Fingers who has intimated to us that much as there is a likely hood of all this being true there is also a higher possibility of this being a stunt just for them to be in main steam media just like there counterpart Bobi Wine.

Watch the space as alot more is to be unveiled here.