Three people have been killed in an accident in Mayuge district. The deceased include, Simon Peter Opio, Grace Isabirye and another whose identity is not yet known.

The victims who were riding on a motorcycle registration number, UDN 597K from Namayingo district collided with a sugarcane truck registration number, UAY 463B on Friday in Lugolole trading center in Mayuge district along the Musita-Lumino highway.  However, the driver is currently on the run.

Fred Dhatemwa, one of the eyewitnesses attributed the accident to over speeding by both the cyclists and the truck driver.

“Both the motorist and the truck driver alike were equally driving at a very high speed which might have caused the accident,” he says.

Bashir Siriba, the Mayuge District Police Commander, confirms the incident adding that efforts of hunting down the truck driver are underway.

Siriba further says that most motorists and drivers alike have resorted to over speeding due to the moderate traffic flows within the district, which has led to an increase in the number of road accidents along the Musita-lumino highway.