Dr. Stella Nyanzi flees to exile over political persecution

Dr. Stella Nyanzi flees to exile over political persecution. Whisper Eye News

Whisper Eye has learnt that former Kampala Woman Member of parliament aspirant Dr Stella Nyanzi has fled to neighboring Kenya.

The Ugandan scholar is now in Nairobi citing political persecution by President Museveni.

One of his lawyers and a family friend confirms the news although another lawyer of his declined to comment when asked about the situation.

Speaking to Advocate Isaac Ssemakadde another lawyer of the scholar, he told Whisper Eye,

I am not briefed but again I am not entirely surprised. There’s an air of looming civil war in Uganda.

It would be unwise for someone of her stature to ignore this reality. She’s always been a marked woman and I know she’s no pushover, But most of her comrades have been killed or forcibly disappeared in the past six months.” He added.

Isaac Ssemakadde is a human rights lawyer and chief executive officer of Legal Brains Trust, a Kampala-based democracy and human rights watchdog, who has represented Dr Stella Nyanzi in several cases since her suspension from Makerere University.