Family Demands Answers Over Death of Gulu EC Staff

The family of the Electoral Commission staff who was found dead are demanding answers.

Robinson Tabu who was the Electoral Commission Secretary for Gulu City disappeared on the January 8 after he had gone to buy food.  Tabu’s body was seven days later discovered in a forest reserve in Laroo Pece division in Gulu City. A post-mortem report indicated that he succumbed to poison.

He was laid to rest at his ancestral home in Lakwele Okato Village in Pudo parish, Mucwini Sub County in Kitgum district on Saturday.  

Speaking on behalf of the bereaved family, Walter Nyeko Okello asked the police to investigate the death of their son and inform the family about the findings.

The Mucwini Sub County Chairperson Richard Komakech Pa’Yilibo says that when the family and friends reported to police about Tabu’s missing, their response was lukewarm.

The Gulu LCV Chairperson Martin Ojara Mapenduzi wondered why police had delayed in releasing a report and making arrests. Mapenduzi asked the government to strengthen the police’s investigative capacity. He also pledged to ensure the demands of the family towards their quest for justice is achieved.

The Acting Secretary of the Electoral Commission in-charge of Northern Uganda Sarah Bukirwa described the deceased as a dedicated and committed staff.