Bishop John Baptist Kaggwa Laid to Rest

Hundreds of mourners converged at Bukalasa Minor Seminary grounds in Villa Maria Parish, Kalungu district for the special requiem mass of the departed Catholic Bishop John Baptist Kaggwa. 

Bishop Kaggwa, the Emeritus of Masaka Diocese died on Tuesday at the National Referral Hospital Mulago-Kampala, where he was admitted in December last year.

The Chairperson of the Uganda Episcopal Conference Bishop Anthony Zziwa, together with the Ordinary of Masaka Diocese the Right Reverend Serverus Jjumba led special prayers to pay tribute to Bishop Kaggwa.  Bishop Zziwa described Kaggwa as a precious gift that had greatly benefited both the Church and the country during his apostolic vocation that has spanned for 43 years. 

Zziwa eulogized the deceased Bishop as a diligent and humble servant who even after his retirement in May 2019, remained committed to serving the Church and fully accomplished all responsibilities assigned to him. 

After he officially retired in July 2019, Bishop Kaggwa was appointed the Assistant Chairperson for Priestly Commission by the Uganda Episcopal Conference, and according to Zziwa, the deceased has without fail performed all his duties in which he has greatly worked towards strengthening the faith and Church.  

Zziwa added that in the late Kaggwa, the Church and the country has lost a true servant who served all categories of people and worked for peace and fairness on all aspects of life. 

In his Homily, the Masaka Diocesan Bishop Serverus Jjumba challenged the congregation to emulate the values of the deceased Bishop, by being truthful, generous and a lover of peace. 

Jjumba took time off to recite some of the last statements of by his predecessor in which he emphasized to the Church the significance of forgiveness, love and being in peace, challenging the church to live by them. 

The Buganda Prime Minister Charles Peter Mayiga also delivered the condolence message from the Kabaka Ronald Mutebi II, who also eulogized the late Kaggwa as a selfless-humble servant who was however unwavering in building hope and standing out against all forms of injustices and government excesses. 

Bishop Kaggwa’s remains were laid to rest inside the priest’s Chapel in Bukalasa cemetery, and just a handful of people were allowed to witness his burial.   He was ordained a priest in December 12th 1971 at Lubaga Cathedral and eventually consecrated a Bishop on January 01st 1998. 

Among other responsibilities he was performed include; serving as Vice-Rector of College San Paolo Apostolo in Rome 1989-1994, the first Rector of Nswanjere Minor Seminary 1972-1975, Vice Chairman Laity Community 1995-1999, Chairman for Priestly Formation’s Commission among others.