NUP chairperson Mbale says constant threats led him to join NRM

Godfrey Mabonga the Mbale district National Unity Platform -NUP chairperson who officially crossed into National resistance movement NRM party over the weekend has attributed his crossing to persistent threats has been receiving over the phone from unknown people.

Over the weekend two senior opposition members in Mbale Godfrey Mabonga the Mbale NUP chairperson and Michael Musalo the Industrial city division parliamentary candidate on the ANT ticket officially crossed to NRM and were received by Muhamudu Masaba the Mbale district NRM chairperson.

While speaking to our reporter today in an exclusive interview, Mabonga says that crossing to NRM was not his wish but he succumbed to calls from unknown people threating to kill him.He explains that after consulting his relatives they advised him to leave NUP to NRM which he did to save his life.

Abasa  Wetaka the NUP coordinator in Elgon region, says it is true he has been getting the reports of threat to Mabonga but has been telling him to be patient and remain in the struggle. 

Wetaka adds that Mabonga is not the only victim of threats and cited J. Jawab, the Northern city division mayor aspirant on the NUP ticket in Mbale city who has been subjected to more intense threats by police and military officers accusing him of distabilising ‘their’ presidential candidate’s support 

Roger Tayitika the police spokesperson Elgon region has revealed as all Ugandans have a right to report at police for any person treating them. He urged them and others getting threatened during this political time to file complaints at police such that they can investigate.

Muhamudu Masaba the Mbale district NRM chairperson has refuted claims of threats that led Mabonga to join NRM.  He says that Mabonga and Musalo volunteered themselves Mbale district NRM leadership seeking defection after claiming that they see no future in opposition.