Ibanda residents shower Bobi Wine with money name him Muzahura

Ibanda residents shower Bobi Wine with money name him Muzahura. Whisper Eye Reports

People of Ibanda district despite heavy teargas donated cash money to National Unity Platform presidential candidate Hon Robert Kyagulanyi Ssentamu aka Bobi Wine.

Bobi Wine states as follows;
As it has become their norm, the police and military sealed off Ibanda town and intimidated people from coming to listen to our message of freedom. It is only the brave ones that attended our campaign today, so that means that in Ibanda the brave ones are so many.

Even if Mr Museveni keeps saying we’re funded by foreigners, all our fuel for today was bought by the people of Ibanda and we also have some balance to eat some chicken today??.

After the campaign, the main road was blocked again and lots of teargas were fired at the people. I also got a new name from Ibanda, they call me Muzahura. I just want to say thank you Ibanda.

We did not address the people of Kitagwenda because we were delayed by the constant roadblocks that the police put in our way.
Tommorow we are in Kamwenge, Kikuube and Kakumiro.