Big Story: Minister Kiwanda accuses NUP of ferrying people from Kampala

Big Story: Minister Kiwanda accuses NUP of ferrying people from Kampala. Whisper Eye Reports

Minister for tourism Hon Subbi Kiwanda has accused the National Unity Platform (NUP) party of ferrying people from Kampala to their political rallies around the country.

The NRM Buganda vice chairperson was appearing on a local tv when he accused Bobi Wine led party of resorting to ferrying supporters from Kampala to all areas they have campaigned in to create an impression that he has large supporters.

National Unity Platform ferries people from Kampala, and they are paid. – Minister Kiwanda said.

He said that the President is very strict on the SOPs. We have some excitement from voters and mobilizers when they see opposition having rallies; they want to prove a point.

The NUP party leader Bobi Wine has been welcomed by large numbers of supporters in every area he has visited .

Police has always teargased Bobi Wine convoy at every disitrct he has visited.