Big Story: Bobi Wine lights up Buliisa amidst heavy teargas and live bullets

Bobi Wine lights up Bulisa amidst heavy teargas and live bullets. Whisper Eye Reports

National Unity Platform leader Bobi Wine has massively been welcomed in Buliisa district after a morning standoff with police and military at Spice FM in hoima.

Bobi had been blocked from the main roads, blocked from reaching the towns of Buliisa on his way.

According to Bobi Wine his supporters are constantly harassed, beaten and prevented from coming to his campaigns by the military,

“But see what Buliisa is saying ,,Bobi earlier posted in solidarity with photos showing large numbers of his supporters.

He says he will defeat president Museveni come 2021 elections despite various handles on his way.

He called upon Buliisa residents to vote forces of change candidates in the coming general elections.