Museveni combs Elgon region for votes, insists he can secure Uganda future

Museveni combs Elgon region for votes, insists he can secure Uganda future. Whisper Eye Reports

President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has today meant the party leaders from the districts of Namisindwa, Manafwa, Bududa and Mbale at Mbale Secondary School grounds in Mbale City.

Museveni said that it is because of applying the NRM ideology that Uganda has achieved what he has described as immense development in the last 34 years.

“Africa is where all human beings started and the old civilization like that of Egypt started here. He narrated.

The modern religions of Christianity, Islam and Judaism were all saved by Africa. He added.

However, in the last 500 years, Africa has had many problems that the continent which was first became the last until it was colonized and many people taken into slavery,” he said.

“Even after independence, Africa didn’t settle down. In Uganda, in the 24 years of independence, we had nine governments with each lasting 2.5 years and would collapse. However, the good thing was that some of us were there and seeing things moving and later corrected them,” he continued to state.

The President explained that past governments fronted sectarianism of tribe and religion and owing to this, they would not last long in power because people were divided along those lines, whereas they could not form a strong national army.

He cited an example of the year 1962 where Democratic Party was for Catholics, UPC for Protestants and Kabaka Yekka for Baganda Protestants noting that when Kabaka Yekka and UPC formed an alliance, it lasted only two years.

president Museveni faces 10 challengers for his seat among which Bobi Wine of the National Unity Platform candidate being the main challenger.