Gone too Soon: Eng Sewaava Mukasa mourns Kamuli Municipality MP Hon Hajjati Watongola

NRM National Youth Coordinator Eng Sewaava Mukasa mourns Kamuli Municipality MP Hajjati Watongola. Whisper Eye Reports

Eng Sewaava Mukasa has joined other national leaders in mourning the passing on of Kamuli Municipality NRM MP Hajjati Watongola Rehema.

Rehema passed on at Mulago hospital after a short illness liked to Covid19.

Eng Sewaava described the deceased as a champion of the NRM ideology who has seen development of NRM youthful groups in Kamuli Municipality.

The campaign poster of the late MP Rehema Watongola

She has been the light of the NRM in Kamuli who served her people without fear, mourned Eng Sewaava.

The deceased MP lost the NRM primaries to a one Mastullah an adopted daughter of Speaker Kadaga.

She will be buried today in Kamuli