Uganda police fire teargas at supporters of FDC presidential candidate “PAO” in Ngora

Uganda police fire teargas at FDC presidential candidate PAO supporters in Ngora. Whisper Eye Reports

Forum for Democratic Change presidential candidate Patrick  Amuriat Oboi has kicked off his presidential campaigns in Soroti today. 

“We are not excited about winning an election because we have won a number of times before and we shall win this one too. This time we are focused on making sure a win is respected by the Junta” – Eng. Patrick Oboi Amuriat speaking to the Media from Soroti this Morning said .

He headed to Serere , Ngora and Kumi for his presidential campaigns .

He called upon his birthplace people to defend themselves against the junta regime that is on its way of power.

The FDC presidential candidate also visited  the family of the late Hon. Peter Omolo, the former MP of Soroti County who passed away in 2017.

Omolo was one of the founding members of the party who laid a strong and firm foundation on which FDC stands today. 

On return back to Soroti , Police fired teargas to disperse hundreds of Amuriat supporters in Ngora town.

The crowds didn’t want Amuriat to pass them without saying hello, Police fired in the air to disperse large crowds of the former Member of Parliament. 

Uganda presidential elections has attracted 11 candidates  including incumbent Museveni who has ruled for 35 years.