Presidential advisor for Kampala Catherine Kusasira Sserugga fires cold bullets to Music promoter Balaam Barugahara

By Lineaker Kiggundu

Presidential advisor for Kampala Catherine Kusasira Sserugga fires cold bullets to Music promoter Balaam Barugahara
“You’re a hypocrite and traitor.”

Singer Kusasira has once again come out to say that Balaam is a very bad person and a blackmailer. Kusasira adds that Balaam has been at the center of spoiling her name and many of others especially those who would wish to meet the president. According to Kusasira, Balaam is one person who can pretend to be good to you and after you have left, he starts back stubbing you and rubbishing you.

Kusasira says she was suprised to find out that Balaam was telling musicians that she ate their cash rewards that were extending to them by the President. Kusasira also cited one incident when a certain Minister called Balaam asking for some financial help but Balaam put their conversation in to the loud speaker so that everyone could know that the Minister was begging him.

The unhappy says that she will never deal with Balaam again and has asked him to stop the bad acts of black hearted people.