
Inside Story: Meet Mujuni Mpitsi Lawrence, the man behind the EOC big corruption scandal

Inside Story: Meet Mujuni Mpitsi Lawrence, the man behind the EOC big corruption scandal. Whisper Eye Reports

Sources reaching our news desk indicate that the Bugolobi based Commission is in shambles after a huge corruption scandal that led corruption court charges against the EOC chairperson Ms.Sylvia Ntambi, Secretary to the commission Mr .Mujuni and other 8 staff members due to alleged counts of corruption and funds embezzlement.

All this started when Corruption scandals became the order of the day barely a year after Mr.Mujuni had joined the Commission, little did EOC know that Mr.Mujuni had been involved in various corruption scandals at his previous work places that included Mbarara University and Parliament.

Former workmates indicated that Mr Mujuni is one greedy person who can ably misallocate the whole budget to his personal projects and leave an organisation on zero balance like his name Mpitsi.

This was clearly evident when he immediately started constructing a double storeyed house in Kira using a plan of the EOC home in Bugolobi barely six months after his appointment, this house was investigated by Nakalema’s officials who even went ahead to ascertain from the surrounding neighbourhood the start date of the house construction.

This clearly showed that Mr.Mujuni started a house construction immediately after signing his EOC employment contract.

Police investigating Mpitsi massion that looks exactly like the EOC Office in Bugolobi

After interdiction Mr.Mujuni joined hands with the human resource officer Mr.Nyangweso to write destructive dossiers intended to tarnish the reputation of the organisation and Mrs Slyvia Ntambi in particular.

He disseminated the dossier to all the possible and current EOC donors, sent a copy to H.E. President Museveni and also tried his best to influence the Parliamentary COSSACE committee through Hon .Capt Kahonda Donosio ,Member of Parliament from Mitooma.

His plot was not successful because the committee conducted investigations and found out that Mr.Mujuni had not been honest and was very inconsistent in his submissions at all committee sittings and meetings.

When all this back fired, Mr.Mujuni tried to seek for peace talks with Ms Ntambi pleading for his comeback, which Ms Sylvia objected to claiming that this was a matter that was being already investigated by Nakalema and that tax payers money would be saved if the matter was left to move without any interruptions. Our investigative sources confirmed this.

It’s allegedly said that when Mujuni was granted Bail he went ahead to convince big shots in Government to influence the case . Our sources indicate he paid huge sums of money to influence the anti -corruption court to withdraw his name on the charge sheet and make him the state witness thus sacrificing other EOC staff members which was futile.

Some of the 9 staff members interdicted at EOC are so bitter with him since they claim that they fell into trouble because of his tough financial related demands ,tricks, instructions and endless love for money.

All the attempts seemed futile since every big shot Mr. Mujuni contacted out rightly told him that it would be very hard for him to escape this trap since he was the accounting officer of EoC with full access to IFMIS the Government system for all accounting officers.

When this plan collapsed , Mr. Mujuni decided to continue with his destruction mission of EOC and its Chairperson claiming that if he looses the battle every one at EOC will go down with him.

He was quoted saying that he didnt care whether EOC collapses after all its for women, PWDs and older persons who have no bargaining power to infuence decisions in this country ,

He continued to say that he will continue creating ugly scenes for EOC to chase away all the possible donors so that every one at the Commission looses out like he did.

While interviewing one of the EOC staff who is also among the 10 charged at anti corruption court recently, he confessed to the paper that at one point he told Mr.Mujuni that he felt it was unfair for Mr.Mujuni to continue fighting a commission that had been ranked as one of the best performing Government agencies in the country.

He further told him ,lets wait and see what court tells us ,some of us are innocent and would like to go back and work at EOC after all this fracas. lets not spoil chances.

Mr Mujuni full of anger answered him claiming that he will not give up. he told him that with his absence the Kingdom Kampala deal involving a top city tycoon would be no more yet he had already received some money and had been promised some more monies that he would help him settle the many debts accrued from the millions of monies he has invested in his case.

He further informed him that he had embarked on a plan to include the EOC Chairperson on the charge sheet with calculations that this was the right time to discredit her since they were undergoing performance appraisal in preparation for new contracts and presidential reappointments.

Our mission is now to discredit that woman in the eyes of Frank Tumwebaze so that he influences her sacking since he is the sector head.

It is now cystal clear that Mr.Mujuni’s mission is to fight the renewal of Ms.Sylvia’ s contract so that he can easily influence the new presidential appointee to make his come back to office to finalise his dubious deals.

More details about this story will follow shortly..

Whisper Eye

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