Bobi Wine insists that Gen Museveni days as president are numbered

Bobi Wine insists that Gen Museveni days as president are numbered. Whisper Eye Reports

NUP president Hon Robert Kyagulanyi commonly refereed to as Bobi WIne has clarified on the issues surrounding his acquired political party.

Bobi Wine today earlier released a video of him taking oath as president of NUP clearing allegations from former president Moses Nkonge Kibalama that he acquired the party fraudulently.

Bobi Wine states ….

Yesterday, we all watched the Deputy Spokesperson of the UPDF deny that Mr. Nkonge Kibalama is in their custody. Today, the spokesman of UPDF comes out to say that he is being held by security for his own protection. Protection from what? I

I hope this answers anyone who still had any doubts about who is behind these events and the objective! As always, the regime in Uganda will compromise people and then coerce them into saying or doing very pathetic things. I find it very sad that Gen. Museveni is such a coward who is willing to go to any extent lying to himself that he can stop the PEOPLE! What a pity!

Comrades, the duty we have on our hands is one- we must not get diverted. We must not look on the right or the left. We must keep our eyes on the prize.
A video as Bobi Wine takes Oath as NUP President