Out: US citizens raise historical $364 million to defeat Trump

Out: US citizens raise historical $364 million to defeat Trump

US citizens have contributed $364.5 million as campaign fund to Democratic Party (DP) presidential candidate Joe Biden.

According to Joe Biden, the biggest percentage of the fund was collected from grassroot supporters who are in the struggle to vote for change.

“Last month we raised $364.5 million, 95% of it from grassroots supporters like you and the majority of it online,” says Joe Biden.

“Working people stepping up to give $5, $10, whatever they can — that’s who’s powering our campaign. And I’m grateful for it,” Mr Biden added.

He appreciated all citizens that have contribute to the campaign fund, and asked others to contribute more and more.

“We’ve got a long way to go to win this — and much more to close the fundraising gap between our campaign and President Trump’s, but I know that we can get there together,” Joe Biden stated.

“Chip in to help keep our momentum going, ” he asked.

Mr Biden is greatly making this change in US and president Donald Trump is facing it rough.

Political analyst say that it will be very difficult for President Trump to win the second term.