Latter Day Saints Church, Busoga Kingdom Support Vulnerable Communities

Latter Day Saints Church,Busoga Kingdom Support Vulnerable Communities. Whisper Eye Reports

It was a moment of joy at the Busoga Kingdom Headquarters Bugembe recently as the Kyabazinga’s subjects got relief support to help them go through the current pandemic.

Busoga Kingdom in partnership with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints delivered food items that included white flour ,rice,sugar,beans,soap,salt,cooking oil among others to individuals and organizations looking after the vulnerable members of society.

Presiding over the function at the Kingdom headquarters,Owek.Dr.Joseph Muvawala also Kingdom Premier noted that the donation was long overdue.

“The current pandemic has hit us harder as a Kingdom since our people had not prioritized growing food crops.Covid found us in a precarious situation that required partners to come to our rescue since majority of our people weren’t and are still not working”, he said before applauding the Church for the timely intervention.

“On behalf of the Kyabazinga and the entire Kingdom establishment,allow me extend our appreciation to the church for the timely support.This boost will benefit our people and it’s high time we associated with the good deeds of the organization that cherishes humanity above all their works they are engaged in”.

Witnessing the handover on behalf of the church,Mission President Walter Chatora flanked by the Stake President Moses Mbiro revealed that their church treasures humanity that prioritizes spirituality in service delivery.

“We come here today as witnesses of the good deeds being done in the Kingdom.However,as a church we believe that spiritual nourishment is the way to go for all humans such that together as one,we achieve our wishes and aspirations”, he said.

President Mbiro assured the audience that their church welcomes all believers regardless of their tribe,race among others and committed to continue working with the Kingdom to serve the people.

Present at the hand over were Missionaries of the church, the royal chiefs of Busoga led by the Chief prince also Menha of Bugweri Sam Menha Kakaire,Princesses,benefiting organizations among others.Organizations such as Iganga Babies Home represented by Sr.Teddy Nakitto,Nva Busoga Foundation,Jinja SSS among others received their donations from both the Prime Minister and Mission President alongside the Stake President.

However,the demand for more food is high each passing day as the pandemic continues to hit Uganda with cumulative COVID-19 cases nearing 4000.Busoga is home to over 5 million people as per the 2014 National Housing and Population Census.