Exclusive: Chameleone’s aide singer Viper Copper II Sulphate dead after police brutal beating on Tuesday

Exclusive: Chameleone’s aide singer Viper Copper II Sulphate dead after police brutal beating on Tuesday. Whisper Eye Reports

Youthful Singer Ashiraf Jjala locally known as Viper Copper II Sulphate died today morning at around 2:00am after the Tuesday saga at Mengo during the interrupted opening of Mr Joseph Mayanja’s office at Balintuma road Kampala.

Whisper Eye has been reliably informed that youthful singer Viper was shot by a rubber bullet on his head and brutally beaten by police officers.

After torture, the police took Viper to Mulago hospital where he has died from.

According to Sarah Nansamba the mother to the deceased the police officers told him that the deceased was hit by a stone.

“Police officers told me that he was hit by the stone, but according to the wound on his head I can’t believe that. Medical officers told me that he was beaten and the blood entered his brains which caused his death,” says Ms Nansamba.

Ashiraf Jjala has been a musician and a resident of Nakulabye village in Rubaga North, Kampala.

He will be buried tomorrow in Mbale district.

More details later!