Live Story: Teargas & Live bullets rock Jose Chameleon Balituma Lord Mayor offices

Teargas &Live bullets rock Jose Chameleone Balituma Lord Mayor offices. Whisper Eye Reports

Security agencies have taken over singer Joseph Mayanja popularly known by his stage name Dr Jose Chameleone Lord Mayor offices at Mengo along Balintuma road, Kampala.

Police backed by other security agencies invaded Mr Mayanja’s office at around 9:30am today morning after a long awaited opening ceremony.

Immediately after few minutes the police commanded by an office allegedly to be a solider in the SFC force ordered police officer to shoot live bullets and Tear gas inside the office premises and nearby.

It could take about 15 minutes of direct firing of live bullets and Tear gas canisters.

Dr Jose Chameleone hoodwinked security organs to enter the officers after when he jumped on a boda boda and entered his offices with a helmet on his head.

Tough security officers have also Tear gassed journalist and some journalists have been injured by Teargas canisters and rubber bullets.