Educationist Cissy Mulondo, aspirant Luweero Woman MP pledges to end Women representation woes

Educationist Cissy Mulondo, Luweero Women MP aspirant pledges to end Women representation woes. Whisper Eye Reports.

Green Valley High School, Kalongo Luwero director Ms Cissy Mulondo has promised to end Women representation challenges if elected district woman MP.

Ms Cissy Mulondo told Whisper Eye news in an exclusive interview that Luwero district deserves a mother, who cares about the struggling and neglected women in the district.

“Our mothers of the nation are suffering without help, they have been not represented for the last 15years,” says Ms Mulondo.

“They a need a respected person of integrity to share with their issues and that is the reason why they are backing my Candidature,” she explained.

Last week Ms Mulondo picked Expression Of Interest (EOI) forms from the National Resistance Movement (NRM) headquarters at Kyadondo, Kampala.

Sources from Luweero district indicate that Ms Cissy Mulondo is mobilising support from NRM members to win the Party primaries expected in September.

Luwero district is represented by NRM’s Eng Lillian Nakate.