Rubaga South MP 2021 race :MP aspirant Nassolo Eugenia dismisses rumours of drop out

Rubaga South MP race: MP aspirant Nassolo Eugenia dismisses rumours of drop out. Whisper Eye Reports

Kampala based renown business entrepreneur and also Rubaga South MP aspirant Omumbejja Eugenia Nassolo has dismissed rumours that she pulled out from the Rubaga South hot MP race come 2021.

Ms Nassolo in an exclusive interview with Whisper Eye News said that such rumours are sponsored by weak NRM camp, and her lining candidates in the race.

The Democratic Party (DP) staunch member Ms Nassolo expounded on these allegations saying that some of her competitors are panicking and shocked by her massive support.

“I can not betray my supporters, I will stand by my word. We must liberate Rubaga south constituency from unsafe hands. I will contest for Rubaga south parliamentary seat come 2021,” says Ms Nassolo.

“People are paid to trend these rumours, I know my competitors are shocked and they should expect more,” she added.

Rubaga south constituency is predominantly occupied by opposition and its experiencing one of the hottest MP race in Kampala today.

Other candidates in the race are former presidential candidate Samuel Walter Lubega Mukaaku, Faco investments owner Mr Mukasa Aloysius, Jeema’s Siraje Kifampa, NRM’s Male Charles Kenneth.

Hon Kato Lubwama is the incumbent and he declared to contest for the second term.