Shocking News : 79 girls have been defiled in greater Masaka since Covid-19 lock down

Shocking: 79 young girls have been defiled in greater Masaka since Covid-19 lock down. Whisper Eye Reports

Parents in greater Masaka sub-region are worried due to the increasing cases of defilement in the area ever since the president declared Covid-19 lock down in March, 2020.

Following the five young girls who were defiled by the HIV/AIDS positive carpenter early this week, the number of young girls that have faced defilement in the sub-region hit 79 in number.

Masaka police family and child protection unit officer Juliet Shida told Whisper Eye that they have recorded 79 counts since Covid-19 lock down.

“Records at Masaka police indicate that we have registered 79 counts of defilement since the inception of the Corona Virus lockdown in March 2020,” says Ms Shida.

Ms Shida has advised parents to take extra care of their children especially during this period when they are not in school so as to avoid further defilement cases.

Parents blame local governments for failure to fight youths who involve in themselves in groups that smoke marijuana, excessive drinking of alcohol thus ending up doing in such acts.

It is not clear whether schools are yet to reopen amidst this Covid-19 pandemic threat.