Mawogola North MP Race: Bobi Wine’s Henry Nyanzi set to defeat Museveni’s brother Sodo Kaguta & Minister Kutesa’s daughter Shartis Musherure

Bobi Wine confidant Henry Nyanzi set to defeat president Museveni brother Sodo Kaguta, and Minister Sam Kutesa daughter Shartis Musherure in a rough Mawogola North parliamentary race. Whisper Eye Reports

National Unity Platform (NUP) youthful Henry Nyanzi Mawejje who is MP Kyagulanyi Robert Ssentamu’s confidant is set to defeat National Resistance Movement (NRM) in a tough Mawogola North Parliamentary race.

NRM has two serious candidates backed by different strong party heavy weights.

Mr Sodo Ayine Godfrey Kaguta who is a brother to president Yoweri Kaguta Museveni is set to face it with Minister Sam Kahamba Kuteesa’s daughter Shartis Musherure Kutesa in the NRM party primaries.

The political temperatures are raising up, day by day, in the constituency especially with the pressure from Bobi Wine blue eyed boy Nyanzi Henry Mawejje.

Sources from Mawogola North constituency informed Whisper Eye News that the two NRM candidates may fail to agree after the primaries.

“I don’t think that Mr Sodo Kaguta, or Shartis Musherure any of the two can respect the outcomes of NRM primaries. The one who will be defeated will run as an independent candidate,” the source said.

Ms Shartis Kutesa has been in the United States of America, where she left to come back to Uganda in an attempt to replace her farther, Minister Sam Kutesa who has been a legislator since 1980.

Residents of Mawogola North are badly in need of change and they are likely to cast a protest vote in 2021.

NUP president also Kyadondo East MP Kyagulanyi Robert Ssentamu is interested in Ssembabule district just much as he is intrested in defeating Museveni.

Reports from Kamwokya the seat of NUP party indicate that Mr Wine is financing youthful Nyanzi Henry Mawejje to defeat president Museveni’s brother Sodo and his Minister Sam Kutesa’s daughter Musherure Kutesa.

In the race there is also Mr Kisekka Salim who has been Minister Sam Kutesa’s close and yes-man who declared to contest for the same seat in the forthcoming general elections.

Mr Kisekka is a close friend to Minister Sam Kutesa and there are possibilities that the two may find a common ground before the nomination dates.

Incumbent MP for Mawogola North constituency Sam Kutesa who is the Foreign Affairs minister endorsed his daughter Shartis Musherure Kutesa for the seat.

Sam Kahamba Kutesa was born on 1 February 1949.

He attended Mbarara High School, for his high school studies.

Sam Kutesa holds a Bachelor of Laws degree, obtained from Makerere University, back when the institution was part of the University of East Africa.

He also holds a Diploma in Legal Practice, obtained from the Law Development Centre in Kampala.

From 1973 to 2001 Sam Kutesa was in private law practice.

He served as Member of Parliament (MP) for Mbarara North Constituency from 1980 to 1985 and as Attorney General from 1985 to 1986.

Between 1994 and 1995, he served as a delegate to the Constituent Assembly that drafted the 1995 Ugandan Constitution.

He was elected MP for Mawogola County in 2001 and was re-elected in 2006.

He was Minister of State for Investment from 2001 to 2005. President Yoweri Museveni appointed Sam Kutesa as Minister of Foreign Affairs in 2005, following the death of James Wapakhabulo.

He is a member of the ruling National Resistance Movement political party.