Police chicken out on jailing comedian Swengere , grill him about Bobi Wine

Police chicken out on jailing Comedian Swengere, grill him about Bobi Wine. Whisper Eye Updates

Comedian Hussein Muyonjo popularly known as Swengere a member of Swengere Family comedy group has today reported at Jinja police station on charges of inciting violence and lawful orders.

Earlier this month People Power, Our Power leader MP Kyagulanyi Robert Ssentamu popularly known as Bobi Wine, appeared on Baba FM radio station in Jinja City.

After the show crowds of people gathered at the radio premises and nearby, to see pop music star who turned politician Mr Bobi Wine.

As usual, the police dispersed people claiming that they were not observing preventive measures of Covid-19 of social distancing, and many had no face masks according to police.

Yesterday the police summoned Mr Muyonjo aka Swengere, Alton Kasolo and one Kalyowa to report on cases of inciting violence and disobeying lawful orders.

“When we reached at police, pastor Muwanguzi and Hassan Muwanga were also summoned yet they escorted us as sureties,’ says Mr Swengere.

Mr Swengere told Whisper Eye News that when they reach at the police station, officers on duty asked them many questions about Kyadondo East legislator Bobi Wine and People Power, Our Power Movemnt which now turned in National Unity Platform (NUP) party.

“We were asked questions that were not in the line of the cases written on our summons, Mr Swengere said.”

According to Mr Swengere below are some of the questions they were asked at the police station;

  1. How many people were at the radio when Bobi Wine was being hosted.
  2. How many people did Bobi Wine come with from Kampala.
  3. Which car did Bobi Wine use on that day.
  4. What was the intention of the dog which was seen at the premisses of the radio station (Baba FM).
  5. What was the intention of the coffin which was found in one of the cars that escorted Bobi Wine.

Immediately after hours interrogation all were released.

“After a few hours of question us irrelevant questions the next step was releasing us on police bond,’ Mr Swengere explained.

They are to report back to Jinja police station on 4th August 2020.

Swengere has appreciated his legal team which was led by counsel Nasser Mudyobole, counsel Kakaire and counsel Galinsonga.

Mr Muyonjo is the lead artist in the Swengere Family of the popular audiovisual comic skit that is making a major buzz on televisions, social media called Swengere.

They are based in Jinja in Busonga subregion and the comic skit is always produced in Lusoga language.