Just In: Kyotera residents say Minister Kasolo should resign over careless Covid-19 remarks

Kyotera youths led by Mugonza Andrew set 72hours ultimatum for Minister Kasolo Haruna to resign over careless remarks about Covid-19 in Kyotera district. Whisper Eye Reports

Uganda state minister for Micro Finance Hajji Haruna Kyeyune Kasolo given an ultimatum of 72hours to resign by youths from Kyotera County over what they called careless remarks about Covid-19 pandemic during a radio program.

Youths led by Mugonza Andrew ‘Senator’ are blaming the minister for failing to deliver their voice in the Parliament where they sent him, and in cabinet meetings.

While on Radio KAFO FM in Kyotera on program ‘Munnakyotera’ moderated by Bukedde Senior Journalist Mulyowa John Bosco on every Sunday evening, minister Kasolo Kyotera residents should not consider Covid-19 preventive measures, saying that there is no Covid-19 in the district.

They accuses Minister Kasolo for politicising Covid-19 pandemic which is against World Health Organisation (WHO) guidelines.

Shocking Story: Minister Haruna Kasolo claims there is no Coronavirus in Uganda

“Last week at KAFO FM radio station, Hon. Kasolo made careless and misleading remarks about Covid-19 in Kyotera district. The minister added on myths about Covid-19 that have frustrated the fight against the pandemic,’ says Mr Mugonza.

“The claims were not befitting of a minister and member of parliament” he added.

According to them Minister Kasolo who is also the area MP for Kyotera County misinformed the public deliberately, which was uncalled for.

“The claims were found manipulative and dangerous to society.

If the minister had good intentions, he would have used cabinet meetings or parliament to say the same, Mr Mugonza added.”

“We have therefore found the Hon. Minister unfit to continue holding a ministerial position and it’s against this backdrop that we demand the minister to resign in 72 hours, he warned.”

Minister Kasolo aide told Whisper Eye that there are government Mafias, fighting him, and he is aware of them.

Kasambya County MP Gaffa Mbwatekamwa raised this issue in the Parliament and also presented audios of Minister Kasolo during the program.