Shocking Story: Minister Haruna Kasolo claims there is no Coronavirus in Uganda

Shocking Story: Minister Kasolo claims there is no Coronavirus in Uganda .Whisper Eye Reports

Uganda State minister for Micro Finance Hajji Haruna Kyeyune Kasolo has shocked Ugandans when he declared Kyotera district free from Covid-19 pandemic.

While appearing on his radio station in Kyotera 89.3 KAFO FM on the weekly program ‘Munnakyotera’ broadcasted every Sunday evening, Minister Kasolo told the public that leaders are using Covid-19 pandemic to collect money from the government.

“We have no Covid-19 in Kyotera, these are just allegations made by leaders expecting to correct money from the government, says Minister Kasolo.”

Minister Kasolo who is also the area MP for Kyotera county in boarder district of Kyotera which boarders Tanzania, claimed that just with in few days the government will lift the lock down in the district due to lack of Covid-19 pandemic.

Audio as Minister Kasolo claims there is no Coronavirus In Uganda.

“Your leaders are greedy, they want money thus telling lies to the president. But the truth is we have no Covid-19 pandemic here, says Mr Kasolo.”

Kasambya County MP Gaffa Mbwatekamwa earlier this week raised the issue in the Parliament calling for disciplinary action against Hon Kasolo.

The program was moderated by Bukedde senior journalist Mr Mulyowa John Bosco.

To date, Uganda has so far recorded 1,056 confirmed covid-19 cases, 1,023 recoveries and no death.