Eng Sewava Mukasa says unity among NRM party members key to erase Bobi Wine’s People Power

Eng Sewava Mukasa says unity among NRM party members key to erase Bobi Wine’s People Power. Whisper Eye Reports

The National Resistance Movement coordinator for southern Buganda Eng Sewava Mukasa has called upon party members in the greater Masaka region to put aside their differences and work together for the good of the party.

Sewava Mukasa who hails from Bukomansimbi made the call on Friday immediately after NRM outlined its election road map throughout the entire county.

He appealed to party members to light internal democracy within NRM at this time when NRM should unity and erase opposition from the entire country.

The NRM coordinator remarks come as a result of the new aborted road map for the entire electoral process of NRM primaries for the elections that will be for lining up . He urged the people to reconcile all issues created as a result of the coming NRM party primaries.

We should be bound by party decisions, not individual feelings, or else, the party will be torn apart, Sewava stressed to Whisper Eye reporter in Bukomansimbi district.

NRM announced that the mode of voting for general parliamentary and local council primary elections shall be by lining up, and in accordance with the COVID19 Regulations issued under the Public Health Act.

Below is the new NRM road map in brief

  • Nomination for Members of Parliament and LC 5 Chairpersons will be carried out from 10th to 17th August in Kampala.
  • Nomination for Special Interest Groups (SIG) will take place from 20th to 22nd July and voting for the same will be on 25th July 2020.
  • Election for MPs will take place on 7th September 2020
  • Election will take place on same day throughout the Country.