Exclusive big story: Gen Tumukunde align youth groups a cross the country as scientific elections get close

Exclusive big story: Gen Tumukunde align youth groups a cross the country as scientific elections get close . Whisper Eye Reports.

Former Museveni Security minister Rtd Lt. Gen Henry Tumukunde is organising groups of young intelligent youths a cross the country.

A reliable source intimate to Whisper Eye News, close to Kololo political command center built by Gen Henry Tumukunde now close to year, reveal to us how the general is planning for the forthcoming elections.

The source said that general Tumukunde is not a media person, and he is doing a lot of activities silently using his trained grassroot soldiers.

According to the registration register, we manage to have a look at, Gen Tumukunde’s youth base is close to 1.5m youths recruited from the entire country.

This youth base is trained basing on their slogan “Songa Mbele”, ‘No Retreat’.

According to the documents, Mr Kisekka Lawerence at times calls him self Mutesasira is the National coordinator of this group.

Political analysts believe that Gen Tumukunde being a trained army officer, he knows what to do currently.

The tale about Gen Tumukunde

They argue that Gen Tumukunde asking the Electoral Commission (EC) to postpone the elections is buying time to fully organise his base.

The Electoral Commission released the controversial revised road map for 2020/21 general elections which recommended the scientific elections, opposed by the opposition and some of the ruling National Resistance Movement (NRM)