Journalist Nahabwe arrested over Rural Electrification Agency stories

Ronald Gold Nahabwe, a reporter an online news website known as The Capital Times news has Monday morning been arrested by the team of detectives led by Grace Akullo, the Director of the Criminal Intelligence and Investigations Directorate (CIID), at Kibuli. Whisper Eye Reports!

According to Capital Times Nahabwe, a renowned investigative reporter, was arrested from his home in Bakuli, Kampala by detectives who had been trailing him for days now.

Whisper Eye has still learnt that the police is yet to reveal why he was actually arrested and the charges lodged against him, we have learnt that the main reason he was arrested is because of his continued reporting about the multibillion scandals officials at the Rural Electrification Agency (REA) are allegedly involved in.

According to the site still , its believed in the recent past the journalist has been extensively unearthing the rot at the Agency, which involved allegations of gross abuse of government funds worth billions of shillings among other scandals.

However, Nahabwe’s reporting seems to have rubbed some officials at REA the wrong way and it is these elements that are suspected to have masterminded his arrest.

He was dropped at CID Kibuli and currently under going grilling.