Tooro beans farmers in tears due to massive price drop

Tooro beans farmers in tears due to massive price drop .Whisper Eye Updates

Prices of food has been greatly affected in many parts of the country ever since the president declared Covid-19 pandemic lock down.

In Tooro sub region beans farmers are in tears due to decreasing prices.

Farmers have informed Whisper Eye News, that before lock down beans prices were promising.

‘It has been observed that prices of products like Beans, their prices going low each day that goes by.


We are now stressed with bank loans, and high demand of necessities at our homes,’ says the Onyango the farmer.


We have visited famers in Kibiito, Kadindima, Kisomoro, among others and prices have droped.

Kabumbuli 1kg was at 4,500/= now 2,800/=, Kajjeru 1kg was at 4,000/= now 2,500/=, Kamkulye 1kg was at 3,000/= now 2,500/=, and Kwijjakwanama 1kg was at 4,000/= 2,500/=


Farmers have petitioned the government to open up schools, tertiary institution, and universities.

They believe that these prices will rise once education institutions are opened.