Bobi Wine kwotows to Norbert Mao’s poohoo

By KH Mulangira

Bobi Wine kwotows to Norbert Mao’s poohoo. Whisper Eye Reports.

Kyadondo East MP, also a pop music star turned politician has visited Democratic Party (DP) president hon Norbert Mao pleading for support of northern region Kingpin a head of scientific 2021 general elections.

MP Kyagulanyi also known by his stage name Bobi Wine, on Monday, June 15 he made a pact with People’s government led by Dr Kiiza Besigye at Floral Hotel in Wakiso.

Whisper Eye reported on the occasion where Uganda’s oldest political party DP and Gen Gregory Mugisha Muntu’s Alliance for National Transformation (ANT) were left out.

A week ago, former Gulu L C. V chairman Mao declared his candidature for the top office in the forthcoming scientific elections.

Sources from Ntinda intimate to Whisper Eye News told us that MP Kyagulanyi has pleaded to chairman Mao to support his 2021 presidential bid.

In the meeting that has taken about two hours at Mao’s home ‘rooftop’ Ntinda, the two leaders only discussed issues of opposition unity a head of 2021. of course with jokes!

Our source further told Whisper Eye that the two leaders have not concluded, and proposed an other meeting very soon.

Bobi Wine is a frequent visitor at Norbert Mao#s residence in Ntinda and unlike other meetings , He only visits alone without other leaders

EC released a revised road map for the 2020/21 general elections, which banned political rallies.

And all campaigns shall be done through radios, TV sets, social media.