Big Story: People Power top coordinator Katongole Julius jailed for raping a young artist

People Power top coordinator Katongole Julius jailed for raping a young artist.Whisper Eye Reports.

Uganda police arrested a top coordinator for People Power Movement Katongole Julius for rape.

Mr Katongole a resident of Kabowa Church Zone in Rubaga Division, Kampala was arrested a couple of weeks ago on allegations of rape.

Young artist Princess Aisha reported a case at Katwe Police Station claiming that Mr Katongole Julius raped her from his home in Kabowa Church Zone.

Princess Aisha a resident of Spaya Zone in Ndeeba in Rubaga, claims that she met Mr Katongole, donned in People Power uniform, and a red barret.

“Mr Katongole Julius, introduced him self to me as ‘Mukasa Aloysius’ of Rubaga a coordinator of People Power Movement in Rubaga South,’ says Ms Aisha.

” He (Katongole) by then known as Mukasa Aloysius asked me to support People Power Movement which I accepted. However I asked him that I have a song that I want to record from Bobi Wine’s studio, she said.”

Ms Aisha told Whisper Eye that Mr Katongole asked her to go to his residence in Kabowa Church Zone to attend to her issues.

She accepted and went with ‘Mukasa Aloysius’ (real name Katongole Julius) up to his home.

“I spent there like an hour and Mr Katongole was making unending phone calls . He told me he was calling Bobi Wine, to grant me a slot and record my song from his studio,’ says Ms Aisha.

According to Ms Aisha, all calls were not answered, and it getting was late .

Now Mr Katongole advised Aisha to stay, claiming that it wasn’t safe to go back due to 7:00PM curfew, declared by president Yoweri Kaguta Museveni as a preventive measure to Covid-19.

At around 2300 hours at night, Ms Aisha said that Mr Katongole (known to her as Mukasa Aloysius) became something else!

‘He told me to have sex with him and I resisted. But he forced me, beating me, he almost ended my life,’ Ms Aisha said.

” After he pushed me outside the house bleeding and crying,’ she added.

Now it was close to midnight, but Ms Aisha had no option but to walk home.

However, on the way back home the police patrol arrested Ms Aisha for defying the presidential directive of 7:00PM Covid-19 curfew.

After her arrest, Ms Aisha told the police everything that had transpired.

Since Katongole Julius had introduced him self to Ms Princess Aisha as Mukasa Aloysius, officers on duty gave her more attention since they knew Mr Mukasa Aloysius who is popular in Rubaga as MP aspirant for Rubaga South Constituency.

Police CID from Katwe police station went to the crime seen, for investigations.

Mr Katongole Julius in red circle with Bobi Wine and others

The Police officer paraded Mr Mukasa Aloysius for identification, Aisha however did not attach the face and name to the person presented.

Ms Aisha knew Mr Katongole Julius as Mukasa Aloysius but she could recognise his face, and easily identify him as well as his residence.

Police investigations

It was found out that Mr Katongole used the name of Mukasa Aloysius to hoodwink the young artist.

Ms Nannyonjo Rose, a neighbour to Mr Katongole told Whisper Eye News, that she had the scuffle between Katongole and his friend at around 11:30PM.

‘I saw that girl with my neighbour at a round 6:00PM, and it was my fist time to see her.

Then at night I heard a scuffle, I thought they were urging about politics, so i did not interfere, Ms Nanyonjo explains.”

Mr Katongole was trailed until his arrest, detained at Katwe Police station , charged and transferred to Kitalya Maximum prison.

According to Lawyer Mubiru James ” Julius our client was arrested few weeks back under false charges and later remanded to Kitalya Prison.”

We filed PW and he was supposed to be presented before Buganda court on Friday 12th June 2020 through video conferencing though he was not presented by Prison. He adds

Part of the affidavit in support of the bail application of Katongole Julius

I decided to pay a visit to Kitalya Prison to find out why Julius was not presented before court, however I was denied access to enter the prison. We are still on the move to see him out. Mr Mubiru emphasised .

Discipline in People Power Movement

People Power principal Hon Kyagulanyi warned his coordinators over discipline.

Sources intimate to Whisper Eye News told us that Mr Wine said that the movement will not help any coordinator who commits a criminal offence besides ‘political related charges’.

This is the reason why People Power has abandoned Katongole Julius to rot in jail.

People Power coordinators have shunned the Free Katongole’ campaign this time around.