
The brain behind unity in people power and people’s govt – Owomugisha Ssemakula Jibril

As it is known that any struggle is basically composed of three phases which include; 

  • Strategizing and planning(awareness)
  • Implementation and activation of the plan(prepare)
  • Achieving and monitoring the process. (actions)

Since all of the three procedures have been partially achieved since the struggle started by Ugandan activists, now it is me and you to finish the struggle.

How can the struggle be finished?

While using the available chances and means describing the current political status in Uganda, here I stand a chance of quickening and finalizing this phase before 2021 or immediately after 2021.

Current political status in Uganda

Following the previous phases of the struggle (1 & 2), it is evidently seen that

Ugandans are awake and ready to fight for change, even on their own. Here, Ugandans have proved the world that they are no longer interested in someone fighting for them and they are ready enough to associate with whoever is willing and ready to openly fight with them likes of how supporters of Democratic Party are busy treating those who claim to be their political strategists. Ugandans are no longer interested in table meetings of change, they now prefer actions. Ugandans do not want planning for them, they want to plan for themselves and sell their plans to you. More so, Ugandans want to secure their advisors and get involved in the battle themselves.

Indications of prepared Ugandans

  • Ability to stand up, mobilize themselves and cause a defiant immediate effect.
  • Setting up self-driven pressure political groups like people power which almost has no leaders but has advisors.
  • Their improved awareness of the current political affairs in Uganda and every Ugandan can now describe and analyze the situation and exert an effect.
  • This clarifies how easier it will be to finalize the struggle, since we now have a big number of mobilizers.


a) Should I expect anything good from 2021 polls?

Automatically no, and nothing like Uganda changing due to 2021 election, therefore no need to position myself as a candidate because I have been positioned several times and more so winning without gaining the power  and authority over the throne in the office of the presidency.

M7 is using trying to use these elections only to mask Ugandans and western nations that there is democracy in Uganda and he is loved and voted by Ugandans. Here, M7 has fully used all means of him being declared as a winner, regardless of the encountered routes and processes during election time. M7 has proved Ugandans that he will dye a president of Uganda if we are to always get involved in elections because he can freely command and monitor the electoral process in Uganda whether directly or indirectly. 

b) So how can this 2021 election be useful to me?

Am using this 2021 as a mobilizing tool, an intuitive mean to increase anger of Ugandans, increasing hatred to NRM government and M7 as a team. This anger gained after 2021 elections will automatically empower my non-violent struggle and will be finalized. 

Let me support all those who have not yet tested on M7’s methods during an election as I go ahead to plan how to finalize the struggle. Remember Ugandans have engaged themselves in elections without benefits and now are fully biased. Am seeing more Ugandans prepared for 2021 elections and ready to cast their votes.

Remember we lost trust in Ugandan courts of law, evidentially seen how various cases have been ruled out in favor of their boss (M7).

c) So whom do you support to stand against M7?

 Openly I support Bobi Wine, Robert Kyagulanyi Ssentamu, because;

  • Bobi Wine has not yet tested on M7 during an election.
  • Bobi Wine leads a group of self-driven, self-motivated

Ugandans. A group of Ugandans that has no any intention apart from removing M7 from the office of the presidency.

  • People power is a group of Ugandans characterized by unemployment, living in poor standards, denied human rights as well as denied freedom of speech, exposure and association.

To which most Ugandans fall into this category.

  • Without Bobiwine, People power movement can remain and move forward.
  • People power is basically and keenly looked at by western funders, activists and change agents as the most selling political wave to ease Uganda transition.
  • Unlike political parties, people power movement is uniform and welcomes whoever intends changing Uganda positively from hands of M7, regardless of variation in political ideologies or various personalities.
  • More so, 2021 election is not all about selling of our manifestos to Ugandans.

d) How about Dr. Kizza Besigye, whom we take to be the people’s president since 2016 and other sounding political figures in Uganda today?

Wow, DR KB, is the people’s president with his self- standing people’s government. Since, 2016, DR KB, has his followers as their president, and so the time is now for him to gain the power and authority of the office of the presidency,

Why do I think that Dr. KB, has chances now to become the president of the Republic of Uganda before or after 2021.

  • He is the leader of the struggle.
  • He has a full active government already in waiting, more so which is fully established worldwide.
  • He has a full plan leading the phases of the struggle.
  • He is ready and well prepared as the next president.
  • More so, People power is a big headed strong grown child of people’s government.

So here, let me maintain DR KB, and his government as my panel of strategists and master planners. And so, no need of DR KB, getting involved in 2021 elections, because he has won 2016 elections and evidently now serving as people’s president only waiting to swear as the president of the republic of Uganda. Therefore DR KB, should be now in place of convising all those Ugandans in support of M7 to run and support Robert Kyagulanyi Ssentamu, basically to increase on needed numbers in grieveness.

So do you prefer seeing other presidential candidates than Bobi Wine in 2021 elections?

Automatically no, 2021 elections is not going to be all about one’s manifesto, I will prefer to see more strong political figures behind him.  As I have told you Ugandans are tired of manifestos me inclusive if it comes to presidential elections. There is no presidential candidate with a simple summarized manifesto like that of Bobiwine “TWEBEREREMU” which fully summarizes all conditions in Uganda today.

So FDC, DP and UPC no need of your candidates this time round, no need of independent candidates because we already have a strong active figure.

Maybe if anyone is only contesting to upgrade his curriculum vitae, more so preparing for free and fair election immediately after removal of M7. Maybe all those candidates should be planning on how to remove M7 now, then we shall have a political atmosphere of exchanging political ideas.  ‘

Roles of Dr. Kizza Besigye, Bobi Wine, and other strong political personnels in this final phase.

a) Dr. Kizza Besigye

 As people’s president and people’s government, let him continue strategizing and planning how to monitor this final phase without being so violent. Here, he’s known to have started the struggle and he must finish it. 

b) Bobi Wine:

Let him go ahead to contest as a presidential candidate, prepare his group and strengthen it for a bigger move beyond mere 2021 elections.

c) Political Parties

Let them go ahead to prepare and encourage the removal of M7 by all means, prepare their presidential candidates for a free and fair elections without M7 or M7’s related candidate on the ballot paper. Here, I welcome everyone in the struggle.

d) Political Analysts

Let them go ahead to awaken Ugandans via social media platforms, televisions and other media platforms. Organizing and mobilizing small based gatherings will be helpful. 

e) Ugandans

Should be hopeful, fearless, and participative. Let them not lose hope or be cowards at all. Remaining strong is the way to go.

e) Finally what is your say on members of parliament positions?

Here, let them go on normally but intelligently. Let all political parties participate, more so, would be more active, attentive to outcompete all NRM flag bearers and the incumbents, because apart from betraying Ugandans no big deal with NRM members of parliament after all, they believe and honor M7 as their demi-god hence endorsing him as their presidential candidate until his death. So here, let’s work towards getting more members of parliament in 11th parliament from opposition. Here a candidate stands a chance to take decision.

About the author;

Owomugisha Ssemakula Jibril is a strong determined activist, born from a peasants family with political background of his fatherly uncle late Brig. Nobel Mayombo, from kabarole and his grandfather mzee Rwomushana Posianoh, well known to have been part of Congolese army groups in times of late Apollo Obote Milton.  His family is much known of business and agriculture.

He currently holds a diploma in clinical medicine and community health hence his title (MCO) and known to have been politically groomed by FDC as he continue to serve as people’s MP in people’s government representing Ibanda North constituency. To where he doubles to be the C/M of committee of works and Transport and FDC’S Mobilizer as well.

He’s currently an aspirant as Member of Parliament for Ibanda North constituency 2021-2026.  


  • 0704089480
  • 0787528572
  • 0788642138

Email: ssemakulajibril5@gmail.com

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